Sunday, 1 June 2014

Introduction to this Blog


This site shows a few images I adore and also illustrate best the world of my personal fantasies. It is definitely not my intention to turn this into a pornographic blog.   

I hope you agree the images are more sophisticated. Because that is what I believe in: sheer beauty and this often can be found only in the smaller details. Your look, a smell, a piece of your dress, the colour of your bra, the way you bend over.... 

I like feminine ladies, well-dressed, with elegance, who are submissive and thoroughly enjoy being aroused and being guided to the highest levels of lust experience.  

Hygiene, mutual trust and confidentiality will of course be our  shared values.


  1. Anonymous7/17/2014

    And learning about your BDSM blog gave me a new angle to look at BDSM blogs.
    In your blog the rule “less is more” is suitable, the suit you wear doesn’t only fits your body perfectly but your (BDSM) body of thoughts also matched perfectly with “directives” of classy and chique.

    Het kennis nemen van je blog gaf mij een nieuwe kijk op BDSM blogs.
    In je blog is de regel “less is more” toepasbaar, het pak wat je draagt past niet alleen perfect om je lichaam, maar je (BDSM) lichaam gedachten zijn perfect afgestemd met de “richtlijnen” van classy en chique.

  2. Thanks Amata. I am really touched by your words...
